Oriental Spiced Plum
Although there
still remains considerable debate, popular opinion
suggests that plums originated in the Caucasus Mountains
adjacent to
the Caspian
Sea some
2000 years ago.
Later spreading
to South, Central and Western Europe, this highly
fruit was then introduced to North America by Louis
and Pierre Pellier, French nurserymen who brought cuttings
from France
and grafted them to native wild plum trees.
In the world of plums, the Japanese Satsuma is recognized as the
most exotic of all and for many, is still considered a delicacy.
With a deep,
full-bodied aroma and unique red skin that models a
netting bloom
overlay of pastel blue, Oriental Spiced Plum
has been gently kissed with notes of cinnamon,
ginger and
nutmeg. Contributing to this fabulously
are rich, dark vine-ripened
hints of freshly harvested
apples and a few other delectables
that are best kept our
little secret!